What is The Maintenance Cost of an RO Water Purifier?

2022-11-07 00:44:34What is The Maintenance Cost of an RO Water Purifier?
What is The Maintenance Cost of an RO Water Purifier?

You might wonder if your reverse osmosis system, often known as a RO system, needs maintenance. There is never a doubt—yes! An RO system cannot function properly without routine inspections and cleaning processes. Additionally, it could result in home damage and increased costs.

Why Is Maintenance of a RO System Required?

Reverse osmosis systems require regular maintenance to remain functional. As they remove dangerous and undesired particles, the system's different filters experience continual wear and tear. Regular filter replacements can extend the lifespan of your RO system to as long as 10-15 years and make the water purifier cost worth your spend!

Additionally, maintaining regular filter replacements lowers expenditures. The cost of replacing the filters and membranes can increase if they aren't maintained. Your reverse osmosis system's pre-filters guard the fragile membranes against silt and chlorine. Your membrane will be destroyed by any chlorine that enters it.

If you change the pre-filters on schedule, you should only need to replace your membrane every 2-3 years (or 3-5 years on a higher-quality system). If not, you'll have to replace the membrane much more frequently, which will end up costing you a lot more money in the long run. In addition, if filters aren't updated, the system may malfunction. Needless to say, the cost of replacing the entire system is much higher than that of replacing filters.

Maintaining your mineral water purifier system can guarantee that your family's water remains pure and safe. You can reduce your risk of developing health problems like: 


  1. Constipation Stomach Pain
  2. Nausea/Vomiting
  3. Diarrhoea

These symptoms are frequently brought on by iron bacteria or coliform bacteria, which are prevalent in well water systems, and other minerals.

Why RO System Upkeep Is Necessary?

Sadly, your city is unable to safeguard and maintain the cleanliness of your water adequately. Lead and chromium-6 contamination are both widespread issues in many cities. Therefore,  an RO system in your home is essential to prevent hazardous contaminants and chemicals entering your body and causing diseases like - 


  • Kidney Injury
  • Cancer
  • Heart Defects
  • Liver Damage
  • Polio 
  • Dysentery

 It goes without saying that you don't want your family to experience any issues like that. Therefore, it's crucial to keep up with RO system maintenance and be alert for any indications that it might be experiencing issues.

What Indicates the Need for Maintenance on My Reverse Osmosis System?

Low water pressure, water that tastes or smells unpleasant, or an RO system that is constantly running or making noise  are the three main indicators that your reverse osmosis system requires repair. These indicators ought to be simple to spot and will tell you when your RO needs maintainance. 

Water pressure is low

A frustrating issue with low water pressure is how long it takes to acquire a drinkable glass of water. Low water pressure could be caused by your RO system's inability to produce enough water. In this situation, it typically indicates that your filters are malfunctioning and clogging the system. You might compare it to how your dryer operates. Your garments won't dry if the lint filter isn't replaced. In a similar line low water pressure indicates that it's time to replace the reverse osmosis filters.

Water Has a Bad Taste or Smell

Your water may taste or smell bad in a variety of ways, but they all indicate that your reverse osmosis system requires maintenance. You should replace your RO system's filters and membrane if you notice any chlorine odour in your water. Any chlorine that enters the membrane will cause immediate damage to it.

Additionally, water that tastes metallic or smells like rotten eggs  may indicate a problem with your system. Your water contains minerals including iron, copper, zinc, lead, and other metals that give off a metallic odour. Your system's bacterial growth is what gives off the musty scent. Unfortunately, you could get sick from drinking such water because it is polluted.

RO System Runs Continuously

Your reverse osmosis system operating continuously is the final and common symptom of a problem. It typically indicates that something needs to be replaced because your membrane is not in good shape. If your membrane isn't functioning properly, your filters probably aren't either.

This is a clear indication that your RO system needs maintenance as soon as feasible. Its continuous operation could hasten normal wear and tear and irreparably harm the system.

How frequently should a reverse osmosis system be maintained?

A reverse osmosis system utilises a number of filters. And every one of them is made to improve your home's water quality by removing various contaminants.

The majority of the filters in your system should be changed at least every three to twelve months. The number of filters you have depends on the system. Additionally, your RO system needs to be sanitised at least once a year. As a result, we advise you to do reverse osmosis system maintenance at least once a year.

Here is a list of maintenance tasks for reverse osmosis systems:

Switch out the sediment filter

Your water will pass through the sediment filter first. Any dirt, silt, sand, or other big sediments in the water are removed by this filter. The RO membranes must be protected during this process because they are quite sensitive. This could result in the pre-filter clogging up and failing to protect the RO membranes if it is not serviced routinely. Proper guidelines should be followed while replacing this filter because it performs a lot of important work. Every three to twelve months, this filter should be changed.

Replace the carbon filter

The carbon filter comes next. This filter is made to get rid of chlorine and other unpleasant tastes and aromas from your water. Because chlorine can damage your RO membranes, this is crucial. You must swap out this filter every three to twelve months to make sure that doesn't happen.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Replacement

The reverse osmosis membrane is the most delicate filter. But this filter provides the most filtering and lasts the longest. Water is forced across a membrane in reverse osmosis in order to extract it from impurities. The membrane allows only pure water to pass through while keeping pollutants on one side of the membrane.

You might be able to replace the membrane less frequently if your water is gentle. To have the healthiest water possible, it is preferable to do it as soon as possible once you realise your water filters need to be changed.

Replace the carbon polishing filter

 Lastly, the water will travel through another carbon filter after going through the membrane. This aids in "polishing off" the water and ensures the elimination of any lingering tastes or aromas to produce great-tasting water. Every three to twelve months, this filter will also need to be changed.

Clean Up Your RO System

The reverse osmosis system needs to be cleaned at least once a year. The ideal time to do this is while you are replacing filters. Bacteria can easily develop in this closed space if the system is not regularly cleaned and maintained. 

Why are Pureit water purifiers easy to maintain?

A selection of Pureit RO+UV and Eco mineral water purifiers includes an Advanced Alert system that will notify you 15 days before the conclusion of every 180 days (roughly) of the pump running time, whichever comes first. Only if the purifier is switched on at the appointed alert time will the alarm be transmitted by the purifier. Even if the purifier is turned off, when the planned alert time has passed, Auto Shut off will be activated automatically. This ensures you get access to only clean drinking water at all times and are well aware of the times you will need to change your filters.